Our resources offer insight into who we are, what we do, and how we think. Select a category to view the complete listing.
Air Quality
EPA's Withdrawn "Once In, Always In" Policy
2017 Ozone Status for Greater Baton Rouge Area
NSPS OOOO and OOOOa: Amended and Final Rule
Proposed Climate, Air Quality, and Permitting Rules for Oil & Gas Industry
US EPA's Finalized Amendments to RMP Rule
Tier II Changes for the 2017 Reporting Year
LDEQ Adopts Ammonia Criteria - 2021
New Fenceline Monitoring Requirements For SOCMI Facilities
General Environmental Information
Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) White Paper
Clean Water Act (CWA) Hazardous Substance Facility Response Plans
Providence Capabilities Statement - Federally Funded Projects
Webinars / Presentations
Providence Webinars
CWA Hazardous Substance Facility Response Plans 40 CFR 118 hosted by Molly McKean and Hannah Orgeron
New Fenceline Monitoring Requirements for SOCMI Facilities hosted by Robynn Andracsek, PE, and Brandon Kilpatrick
SCREEN3 Modeling hosted by Senior Modeler, Leslie Fifita
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP) and Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Compliance: Material, Storage, and Handling hosted by Water Quality Director, Yvonne Baker, and Water Quality Project Manager, Molly McKean
Navigating Permitting in Louisiana's Coastal Zone hosted by Regina Staten, Natural Resource & Coastal Services Deputy Director
Ammonia Criteria: What It Means & How It Affects LPDES Permitting hosted by Water Quality Director, Yvonne Baker, and Water Quality Subject Matter Expert, Aimee' Killeen
Professional Articles / Featured News
Be the Change: Focus on Small Actions to Make Big Strides for Women
Aimee' Killeen, “Be the Change – Focus on Small Actions to Make Big Strides for Women” WE&T, March 2021, pages 59-60
Good neighbors? From acid rain to CAIR to CSAPR
Robynn Andracsek, PE, "Good neighbors? From acid rain to CAIR to CSAPR " Power Engineering, September 6, 2022, online
Air Pollution Limits for Backup Power Options. Minimize Your Project’s Risk
Robynn Andracsek, PE, "Air Pollution Limits for Backup Power Options. Minimize Your Project's Risk" Mission Critical, December 16, 2022, online
Echols, T. & Echols, T. (Hosts). (2024, October 8). Energy Matters with Comissioner Echols (Episode No. 294). [Audio podcast episode]. In Energy, Law, Biomass. Soundcloud.
The PM2.5 NAAQS were lowered: What now?
Jessica Mzhickteno and Leslie Fifita, "The PM2.5 NAAQS were lowered? What now?" Power Engineering, September 24, 2024, online