Support Services Featured Project
Project Name: Westside Major Sewer Lift Station

Design and construction oversight of a sewage lift station sized for 4,000 gpm (5.8 MGD) vertical submersible pumps but initial capacity will be at 2,000 gpm. This station is Phase 2 of the Westside Boulevard Extension, and serves the expanding commercial area along Martin Luther King Boulevard and Westside Boulevard in Houma, LA. An 18-inch forcemain was connected to the station linking to the North Terrebonne Sewage Treatment Plant. Further work consisted of electrical controls design and hydraulic analysis for new pump sizing. Anticipation of public sanitary sewers being extended further north towards Thibodaux along the Bayou Terrebonne corridor is expected to result in an increase in sewage loading on the Oakshire holding basin. So, as part of the engineering services, a master layout was prepared to assist with long-term planning for future expansion.