Support Services Featured Project
Project Name: Environmental Control Structure No. 1 Replacement

Located within the Morganza to the Gulf Hurricane Protection Levee, Reach J, Segment 2, the existing Structure No. 1 was badly damaged by Hurricane Gustav in 2008. In August of 2012, Hurricane Isaac virtually destroyed it, resulting in an opening in the levee of approximately 200 feet that is allowing the free flow of salt water into protected marsh areas by the J-2 levee. Replacement includes levee, flood gates, a six-foot walkway with barrier, twenty (20) 5-foot by 5-foot aluminum flap gates, and related work. Flood protection, with tie-in to the existing levee, will be achieved for a minimum +12 feet NAVD flood surge. An additional pair of piles with pile caps at each gate assembly will provide additional lateral stability.