Planning Featured Project
Project Name: Conceptual Transportation Planning for HUD Choice Neighborhoods, Allendale & Ledbetter Heights

Taking into account existing planning efforts that overlap these areas, this project culminated in a transformation plan for revitalization through an infill strategy, producing quality, mixed-income, multifamily housing, support systems to create opportunity, and sustainable neighborhoods with well-functioning services. Prime responsibility lies in conceptual transportation planning, which entailed assisting with a presentation for round one of 2-3 public meetings to educate the community on aspects of transportation (e.g., sidewalks, crosswalks, multiuse paths, transit, etc.) and obtaining feedback on community transportation concerns/needs. Using data collected from the meetings, a list of desired and/or beneficial potential transportation improvements was developed, along with a conceptual design for each proposed concept. Up to six potential improvements that the public expressed interest in developing was recommended and presented to NLCOG for consideration. The approved improvements were then developed into a conceptual layout and final report. Transportation improvements will provide positive impacts to mobility in the neighborhood and be implemented in multiple areas, thereby providing multiple improvement locations with minimal design effort.