Our Support Services


Providence backs our services to enhance your return on investment.

To ensure that Providence's clients maximize the project benefits and business value of partnering with us, we offer highly competent support for all of our service lines and markets. Depending on your needs, we can provide first-class staff in the fields of litigation, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), and staff augmentation/placement. Learn more about our support services below.

Expert Witness

Providence is a trusted resource when an objective and judicious counsel is needed. Members of our team have served as expert witnesses for a multitude of industries and agencies on a wide array of topics. We strive to deliver accurate, unbiased knowledge from certified, licensed engineers and experts — and we maintain our credibility by staying committed to the issues at hand, focusing on our qualifications, and upholding our responsibility to confidentiality.

Click here to view our expert witness directory. 

Geographic Information System (GIS)

Providence features complete in-house advanced mapping, drafting, imaging and Geographic Information System (GIS) services. We use the latest GIS/drafting modeling and mapping software available, and tailor our unique knowledge of GIS — combined with the expertise of our engineers, scientists, surveyors, and other specialists — to achieve each client’s specific goals.

Spatial Data Integration experience includes:

Trimble Global Positioning Systems (GPS)
AutoCAD Civil 3D
AutoCAD Land Development
ERDAS Imagine and Global Mapper

Our knowledgeable GIS specialists have extensive experience in:

  • Designing and managing relational databases
  • Performing database queries and statistical analyses
  • Hosting websites using Interactive Mapping Systems (IMS) for delivering dynamic maps and GIS data
  • Topographic, aerial, and satellite imagery interpretation and geo-referencing

Staff Augmentation / Placement

Providence can provide highly trained, competent on-site personnel in a wide range of expertise and specialties for both management and technical support. Providence has provided environmental personnel on-site at industrial facilities serving as environmental managers or support personnel. The aforementioned personnel have been placed at these locations based on client requests to augment facility/company personnel, help comply with all applicable rules and regulations, and manage all compliance related activities.

Support Services Featured Projects